Thursday, April 12, 2012

building web applications

The best method to use when building web applications is to use frameworks. Frameworks save on time and adhere to the principle of not repeating code all the time (DRY). So if you decide to use a framework, what should your choice be.There are many frameworks out there and therefore it would not be okay just to point you to one.To gain a deeper understanding of building web applications using frameworks it is advisable to go down the path of discovery.

  1. Pick a framework based on any language you know of and learn it, this should be the beginning.
  2. After taking a week or two to learn the new framework, do a side project with it, not a serious one but something far from the basics.Try to implement some idea you've always had.
  3. Add the side project to your portfolio and start over again from step 1 this time with another framework which is related.
After going through the first iteration, try implement the idea you had done using the new framework you have just learned.This aids you in discovering weaknesses and strengths in a framework.

Be patient
Nothing comes easy, everything requires time and effort, so don't expect to excel at it immediately.With continuous practice and diligent effort you will notice your skills and knowledge increasing.
I wish to stress the importance of persistence here.It's what will bear the results.

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