Monday, July 22, 2013

software tools for your raspberry pi

The raspberry pi is a really amazing piece of hardware, any computing enthusiast would really love to have.Just reading the specs makes one think about the many things they can do with it, ideally its a small linux box.

I've compiled a series of tools which i've found useful and which you might want to setup on a raspberry pi

  1. Emacs - well, we also have the vim guys but i won't dive deep into this.Its nice to have your favourite editor handy in the terminal.Remember to place an alias for terminal mode.
  2. Apache - Unless you're serving over 200 concurrent requests, then apache will do.In anycase if you had such a high number of requests then you could afford the heavier guns.
  3. Sqlite3 and/or mysql - sqlite is just brilliant for such devices, i'm surprised it doesn't come out of the box with wheezy.
  4. pip,virtualenv,virtualenvwrapper - the pi means python and these tools go hand in hand with any python development.
  5. Git - Version control in case you want to do some coding on the pi.
Now you are ready to go.Feel free suggest some tools which you found useful and should be added to this list through the comments.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

a good track for learning javascript

As i had mentioned earlier in my previous post, javascript is quite important and as a web developer you should know javascript well.The problem however is with the appropriate technique to learn it.I found a technique which claims to be good.

I have started this course and i can say i'm seeing some progress, i'm through with the first two weeks.About the resources, i would recommend professional Js for web developers.

I've not finished the week 3 and 4 sections but i really look forward to evaluating whether my skills have increased.

The codeacademy course can be very boring especially if you've chosen to start with the web fundamentals.I chose to skip some sections, but took others which looked like good refreshers.Don't skip this track entirely, you can be surprised to learn things you didn't know.